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[pct-l] Re: Sierra Streams

Good evening, all you river and creek waders,

For more interesting and informative crossing methods I refer you to
Chapter-17 on this site.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: Proper context is in order: [pct-l] Conversation with Brian
> Robinson on Sierra streams, June, 09 '05
> Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 16:28:58 -0800
> From: Tortoise <Tortoise73@charter.net>
> To: Scott Parks <scott@delnorteresort.com>
> Hi, I've got a better idea inspired by Colin Fletcher.
> Carry an air matress (sturdy) and a long strong line.
> Find a suitable stretch of the stream;
> Loop the line around a tree upstream;
> then using the air matress as a raft and holding onto the ends of the
> let the current ferry you accross the stream;
> Then just pull on one end of the line to retrive the line.
> Now who will be the volunteer to test this idea?  Monte Dodge are you
> listening?
> ----------
> Tortoise