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[pct-l] when to help

IMHO, when you have pre-arranged to meet a hiker like this, it is only well 
intentioned that you reacted in this way.  If a single hiker is in some kind of 
trouble then the sooner he/she is located and helped or communicated with, as 
in this case, then the greater liklihood that he/she will not come to any 
major harm or worse.  Dehydration, sprained ankle, broken bone, deep cut, etc. 
will all require quick attention to prevent more serious consequences.  

To error on the cautious side is a sign that you are a mother and still 
operate in this way.  Why not?  Okay, some of my tax dollars went to send that crew 
and helicopter out.  I feel that this is a much better use of my tax dollars 
than many others that the Federal Gov't is currently focused on.

