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[pct-l] RE: water filter/purifier?

I'm a fan of the MSR Sweetwater filter. It saved our butts one day when we exercised poor water conservation strategy. I dropped this thing into a pit of green algae-stained water and it came out.. well... a little green, but still potable. I didn't get sick from the experience.
Copied straight from the MSR website (and apart from the science-stuff, I can attest to the validity of everything here). My only complaint is the filters are expensive - nearly half the cost of a new device.

Pumps water on both up and down strokes for a fast flow rate of 1.25 liters per minute. 
Easy to Use
Unique lever-action pump handle has a 4-to-1 mechanical advantage, so you don?t have to work as hard. 
Weighing just 11 oz., it?s one of the lightest filters on the market. 
Handle folds flat when not in use for easy packing and storage. 
Eliminates over 99.9999% of all waterborne bacteria and 99.9% of common protozoan parasites, such as giardia and cryptosporidia. 
Simple to Maintain
Simple brushing will restore a clogged filter, and the pump lets you know when the filter needs replacing (each cartridge filters up to 200 gallons of water). 

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