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[pct-l] Re: Sierra Snow

Dude says,
> On another note, I'd be worried about water in Oregon this year.  We 
> haven't had NEARLY enough snow this year.  I think most places around 
> the state are at about 25% of normal for this time of year and its been 
> really HOT up here too.

Northern Oregon, south and central Washington are in dire straits:

Stampede Pass 3860' (Near Snoqualmie, Wa) is 5% of April 1st average.
White Pass, Wa 4500'  2%
Potato Hill 4500' (near Mt.Adams, Wa)  1%
Clear Lake, Or 3500'  NOTHING

Hopefully, they'll get something in the next month or so. 

FYI: We had a record high temp yesterday on the coast at the CA/OR border.


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