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[pct-l] Mailing fuel- help with archives requested

Managed to stupidly delete a folder with several past posts on the topic of 
P.O. regulations regarding packaging and mailing fuels.  I'll be digging 
through the archives to find the posts again..  However, if individuals who 
posted messages with specific P.O. website page links could send their posts 
to me, I'll be speeded up and greatly appreciate the help.  I remember 
spending a couple of hours on the P.O. website, reading a LOT of text and 
trying to determine what applied and what didn't to alcohol.  Finally found 
the applicable ORMD labeling and packaging info, but didn't record the URL, 
because other PCTL posters had included it in their posts.  So, for anyone 
who can point me again with specific info, I'd much appreciate receiving a 
copy of your past post with web page URL imbedded.
