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[pct-l] Hwy 10 to Onyx

There have been a few posts regarding this section lately so I thought 
I'd let you know that three of us will be leaving the Pink Motel 
tomorrow  around 6 AM and hiking through to Onyx by end of day Sunday. 
San Bernadino forest service told me yesterday that snow levels are now 
above 7000 feet, so we're likely only going to see snow in the shade and 
on north faces until around Coon Creek I think. I have plugged in a few 
waypoints on my GPS (courtesy of the CD's I got from morethanamile.com) 
and may decide to carry it depending on how things look when we park a 
car at Onyx. As always I'll forward water info to AsABat, and the forest 
service asked me to provide blowdown and trail info. If anyone wants a 
trail report on this section let me know and I'll post it here on Monday.
