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[pct-l] safewater filters

That's the rub with filters. They clog easily with glacial toll or muddy
water like the Colorado River at times. A clogged filter causes a lot of
stress because now one is forced to use a lot of extra fuel to boil water. Or
drink untreated water that you are certain is going to harm you
  Me, I take the opposite tack. I am certain that I am immune after more than
40 years of drinking water, untreated, from every imaginable source of water.
So therefore there is no water stress while hiking. I visualize that I became
immune by being exposed to very low levels of giardia, and my spleen
processed -- and memorized -- the necessary antibiotics. My spleen begins
production of these antibiotics the instant any giardia cysts in my body
hatch, killing or sterilizing them before they can replicate themselves
  An immune person gets to drink the purest water on earth free from worry. A
non immune person drinks from the exact same source certain that the water is
so tainted that it must be prepared for consumption in some manner. I think I
like being immune much better.
  And how do minimalist hikers deal with filters. After all, one is supposed
to eliminate all gear deemed as unnecessary or rarely needed. Since it is
well known that people DO get by without a filter, you would think that
minimalists would almost be required to rely on chemicals -- or nothing --
and save 12 ounces of weight. What kind of self respecting 10 pound pack
ultralite would admit to using a filter!