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[pct-l] Linda Exposed NOT!

In a message dated 7/2/01 6:31:04 AM Pacific Daylight Time,=20
spiritbear2k@hotmail.com writes:

"What I AM gonna do is ask Rob to specifically define what HE thinks this=20
list is about and to define precisely what he means by "Keeping it on=20
track".=A0 Then we'll have something to talk about.=A0 Until and unless he c=
define those things, then he's just blowin' smoke. "

Do us all a favor, guys, and take your arguments offline.=20

If other subscribers want to follow Jim and Rob's exchange of opinions, emai=
them directly and ask to be included.

If anyone wants to attack me for my comment, send it directly to ME, not to=20
the entire list.

Have a good hike (and tell us about that),

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