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[pct-l] Rain Washing Away Litter

Only one problem with riding a dirt bike on the PCT. It isn't in the "live 
and let live" credo now is it because it obvoiusly imposes on the rights of 
others. No rules just decisions obviously doesn't mean anarchy. Since you 
can't seem to comprehend that, I will elaborate. It means that  there is 
always a variety of ways to do something, from rappelling to running a 
marathon to deciding on a base pack weight( and dealing with T.P.) In 
mountaineering, there are those who blindly follow rules thinking that will 
make them safe. The problem is they learn only one right way to do something 
such a rappel. Then when something goes wrong  and they can't do it by 
following their rule ( such as dropping their figure 8 rappeling device) they 
are in big trouble. No rules just decisions means being a situationalist 
instead of a ditto head. Are you capable of comprehending this??Or are you 
intent on finding flaws in my logic by going to extremes.
   As to rain washing away biodegradeable substances such as tooth paste: If 
you don't believe this then perhaps you should start pissing in a water 
bottle and recycle it through a filter. How's that for going to extremes?