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[pct-l] Communal Pneumonia - a vaccine?

Tony's horrific experience with pneumonia made me want to bring to the 
attention of the list the availability of a pneumonia vaccine. 

This vaccine is now recommended for older folks, especially those in confined 
group conditions like nursing homes. Pneumonia used to be called '"The old 
mans friend" because it carried so many off quietly and (I hope) painlessly. 

I don't know if this vaccine is effective for Tony's condition. Medical 
experts should weigh in on this. Since I have had a life long tendency toward 
"strep throat," bacterial throat infections that can lead to pneumonia, I got 
this vaccination 2 years ago. It was about $25, one shot, no reaction at all 
in my case, and no prescription required at a drug store in Studio City, part 
of L.A. Seemed like cheap insurance.

Todd in Tarzana.
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