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Re: [Fwd: [at-l] This day, last year]

Steve Landis wrote:
I zink it zoundz like another halluzinatory epizode of FritZiphrenia brought
on by a fitful night of inzomnia on a worn Z-rest.  Who would have thought it
was contagious though.  Perhaps Pilot's zighting of the "Z" was triggered by
mere zuggestion.  It does zound a little inzane.
Now about that lunch.  How about a Zesty Zucchini Zoup?

Zorry,  I couldn't rezist.
Back to a lurk deeper than Midlifes's

(Mmmmmm, FritZi. Did anyone see that tight sweater she was wearing last week? MmmmFritZi, indeed)

Hole Number One: It was 6 p.m. Several hours BEFORE the night of insomnia.
Hole Number Two: I use a THERMA-rest. NOT a Z-type rest.
Hole NUmber Three: FritZiphrenia is a GOOD thing. I wouldn't be wonderin'.
Hole Number Four: I was much more susceptible to Pilot's suggestions than she was to mine ;)
Hole Number Five: I have a creed that I live by: "Eat no Zucchini."

Felix Navidad

ME-->GA 98
"Your Move"