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[at-l] Re[2]: Indy in an apartment

     No, this is not related to the Appalachian Trail, just a bit of live 
     commentary. Another list, The Dead Runners' Society, is holding a 
     "Midwest Conference" in Indy this weekend, and I've invited those who 
     didn't want to pay hotellage to hit my house/ apartments instead.
     I know the at-l often makes noises about the evils of "running" as 
     compared to "hiking" on trails, but the note below speaks volumes that 
     hikers and runners share as much in mentality as they do in their love 
     of CoolMax and skimpy clothing. The important things.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Indy in an apartment
Author:  Alejandro Munoz Del Rio <munoz@stat.wisc.edu> at ima
Date:    6/28/99 2:49 PM

i always thought your # was 1-800-BANDANA, or the newer 1-800-CD-ON-STICK. 
(inside joke: marko was running in st. louis with a cd on a
stick. perplexed runners, cyclists, walkers looked at him, upon which 
he said "it's a cd on a stick" - and everyone seemed oddly reassured, 
"oh!", as in "so that's what it is" or in "i've heard of those". and 
i'm sharing the room with this psycho - scary, hunh? ;-) )
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