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[at-l] home made zip stove complete basically.

i go tall the parts to work and everything is ready to test.   i jsut need
to knwo how fast to run the fan...

i did eventually pull a motor out of an old toy that was thrown out and i
made the fan blades from a tin can and cut it up real careful to make sure
it was balanced.

i can get the fan to run at a few speeds from just moving air slighty all
the way to blowing back you hair. this all depends on what type of power i
feed it.   i can feed it up to 3 volts.  or two batteries

now i need to know how much air flow does the offical sierra zip stove make.
then later this week i can test it out

jsut so all you ouce weinnies know it is at 8 oz and is only goint to get
lighter.  becasue alot of the metal on it is folded over instead of cut
off...  i figure it will be around 7oz when complete.  (tha tis including
the weight of the two batteries i have been using to test out the fan.

if anyone is interestd i will try to complete the directions,...  but
honestly it got kinda funky when i started attachign the motor and building
a motor mount out of allumium scrap.  and i need to come up with a better
method because there is a bit of duct tape on model VERSION 1.

i am still looking for a real fan and think i found a electric supply that
is promising.  and i want a motor i know will last a while.  if i can get it
to boil some water i will pursue it further.

the tools i have used so far.  are heavy duty metal snips, hammers assorted,
screwdrivers, soldering gun, a mini wrench, a table vice,  and the ANVIL(i
guess you coudl use the table vice though it has a few hammer points ifyou
look real hard.)!   i ended up uisign the anvil a bit more when i was fixing
and rebuilding the motor mount  i shaped the metal in a C shape and used a
pipe tie to hold it all in through slots in the metal.  (but that was after
i already duct taped up te working model so i never completed it. hence that
is the fix for version TWO! and will  remove the duct tape from the plans)

so far the item list is one coffee can(small), one normal can like
pineapples( for the fan blade), two sets of bolt nut and lock washer, one
pipe clamp

i looks like a hunk of junk hehehhe i hope it works.

i will be trying to make a better fan ring (the ring around a fan to make it
push air better)  get a better base made out of chicken wire so i get better
air flow and heat disipatation for the motor.  and i new way to hold to pot
on cause right now it is questionable.

so far i have spent under 5 bucks.


WisperLite (aka BotleNeck)

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