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[at-l] Re: Esbit Fuel Tabs

Earlier today I posted a short message on this list to those who have
already paid to be a part of our group wholesale/bulk purchase of Esbit Fuel
Tabs.  I neglected to mention that this group closed on 1/5/99, and was a
one-time-only event.  Because of problems getting the product from the
wholesaler, and other hassles, I can't imagine doing this again.  Nor do I
think there will be any "extra" product once we finally receive all the fuel
and it gets shipped out to those who've paid.

I posted on the list to get the word out (that a few more cases are in my
possesssion) to those who already paid.  Seemed like an efficient way to
communicate, especially since I don't have e-mail addresses for some

However, in the last few hours I've been inundated with requests from new
folks for fuel, and many other related questions.  Sorry, but I can't help
anyone else get the fuel at below-retail prices.  It's just not available at
wholesale to individuals anymore, and those who got in on the original deal
have been in effect "grandfathered" by the wholesaler, although we've all
had to wait much too long for receipt.

For general info on the fuel, may I refer folks to...
-- this is a better explanation than I could hope to give here.

The fuel is available thru Campmor at retail prices, if it's not on
back-order there again also.



* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List |  http://www.backcountry.net  *
