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Re: [at-l] Introduction or Confession?

     Quick! TODAY! order Lynne Wheldon's Secret's of Lightweight 
     Backpacking (Revolution), from the ATC or from ANYWHERE!!! Have it 
     overnighted to your location, and view it three times in succession. 
     Lot's to sink in, take notes, too.
     $1.00 cross country ski pole from Salvation Army store works well. 
     VERY well.
     50 pounds is TOOOOOOO much.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: [at-l] Introduction or Confession?
Author:  "wooley worm" <wooleybugger@hotmail.com> at ima
Date:    2/21/99 8:06 AM

   Hell-o Digesters, I am planning to slouch toward Katadhin, starting 
the first week in April. The infinite plan is to depart the fourth of 
April and get there(Katahdin) sometime. I have had some interaction with 
this site, asking inane questions of all who would spend the time 
reading this. (i.e. noodles,remember?)
   And now ladies and Gentlemen,(trumpets in the background) Ta, Ta , 
Introducing that Little old ,short ,round ladies , Son Willie Brock, Ta, 
Da. Is this exciting or what?
   Prepare yourselves for minutia, Gird thoise loins,(can you say that 
on this list?) 
   1. Should I buy Leki Treking Poles, or just use poles I can cut 
myself.(I warned you.)
   2. What about my Noodles?
   3. I am new to "computing",the Web, and this list, but I am looking 
forward to connecting faces with the names I might remember from here.    
4. Many more questions to bore you with in the future,steel yourself.
   Still Willie Brock, Kirkwood Missouri after all these years,I will be 
the tired,old, balding, wheezing fatman you pass on your way up. Leaving 
Amicalola St.Pk. on my sixtieth (60) Birthday.  
   Willie Brock....wooleybugger@hotmail.com.
   Did I mention that my pack will weigh apx. fifty pounds with food and 
water? Am I doing something wrong?
   Gear list anyone?
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