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Re: [at-l] Laurel Creek Lodge

NightShine@aol.com wrote:

> Another thing is that if you were hurt: emotionally or physically, you were
> allowed to stay a little extra longer. I remember they INSISTED that Joyful  Girl (remember her? she got hit by a falling tree in a lightning storm and it bent her external pack to pieces) stay the week with them to recuperate.

Reminds me of Paul and Ilene at Pine Ellis in Andover. Jim and I hobbled
up to the hostel after he broke his wrist. (Our knees were shot too at
that point.) His arm was wrapped in an ace bandage and he had it in a
sling.  I remember walking up to the house and hearing Ilene saying, "Oh
you poor thing. Drop your packs. Do you want a piece of chocolate
cake?"  Of course we did - with a big glass of milk too.  Their
hospitality was superb.  We stayed two days icing down Jim's arm.  

You meet so many really GOOD people along the trail.


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