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Re: [at-l] Trailplace


I guess that I'm such a proficient lurker no one seems to know who I am.  I was
even lurking at the Ruck - trying to hide from Felix.  Remember the alcohol
stove / 7oz zip stove "seminar" on the porch - you,  me, Chase, John O.

>Some father objected (kinda stong but not as strong as could be and naturally
got kicked off).<

I am that father. And yes I am now officially off ATML.  What can I say,  some
pretty bizarre things were being said and someone had to speak up.  I waited
about three days so I wouldn't be reacting in anger - didn't seem to matter.  I
would hope that no one here feels the need to jump in on this one. If anyone is
really interested  in what transpired and you don't have anything better to do,
email me privately.


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