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Re: [at-l] TelMail device...

Uncle Milt wrote:
> Can't help but wonder about this little gadget...years ago we has modems
> that were equipped with something called an 'acoustic coupler' not to be
> confused with the thing Felix uses to get the ferret to play the
> guitar...

The thing used by ferrets to play the guitar is known as a "Ferret
Fretter". The fine folks at Fender Guitars have several models out. The
top of the line model is for ferrets that really cook on the thing. Its
called "The Fender Ferret Fritter Fretter." The newest version of that
guitar is for portly ferrets. It's called "The Fender Fatter Ferret
Fritter Fretter." I don't want to brag, but Franky's pretty danged good
on the thing. He's been playing parties on weekends...

Felix J. McGillicuddy
ME-->GA '98
"Your Move"

Stop and see me at:  http://members.tripod.com/~Felixhikes/index.html

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