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[at-l] Needed ride - solved

Hey everybody,

I'm going. I got a commercial shuttle service to pick me up at Sam's Gap and
take me to Knoxville Airport. I will hit the trail friday morning at New
found Gap, right after I pig out at the Pancake House in Gatlinburg. I plan
on eating at least two breakfasts!

On a different note, some good, some bad, I went to get my big pack out of
the storage shed and it wasn't there. A search of the house has yet to turn
it up. Not only that but, my stove, cook kit and fuel bottles were in it (as
well as various as yet unremembered things). So if anybody is hiking the
western end of the AT in the Smokies after Thanksgiving and comes upon a guy
with a brand new pack wearing a brown fedora who resembles Nick Fury (hence
the nickname), its me.

Moral of the story: never let the @#^$ get you down...

thanks to Hopeful and Tom Minks for offers of rides and assistance. By the
way Tom, just how do you find the spring at Sheep's Pen Gap?

Lee I Joe

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