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[at-l] POST PA Day Hike Report

Seeing as Solar Bear is still jealous of my bic'd form I'd better watch
what I say here...

Until I get some photos to narrate I'll hold off on the trip report...in
the mean time here's an advanced copy of the POST hike report that I'll be

Monday July 27 10:45 AM EDT


JUST INSIDE THE NJ STATE LINE (AT) - Not once, not twice, not even thrice,
have I lost a tire while on a hike. As of last night I have sacrificed four
tires to the hiking gods in the past three years.
     Tire one. Coming back from a great caving trip with some buddies from
school some hiway debris found my sidewall and soon my tire. I had planned
to properly thank the gods of J-4 when I returned to Rochester, but they
were a little impatient that Sunday evening. Tire one.

     Tire two. I was in a hurry that night and forgot to pay proper homage
to the gods of the 'dacks before heading west through NY. Made it into the
area without falt - thought maybe the gods had forgot about me - never
think that - these gods know and see all!  It was late that Friday evening
when a large rift in the earths crust opened up before me and swallowed one
tire whole. Tire two.

     Tire three. The Jersey gods are a bit less ferocious, however just as
jealous. Heading home from DWG after a day hike last fall the gods summoned
a great spike from the earth with the sole mission of putting to death my
left rear tire. Tire three.

     Tire Four. I guess The gods were only mildly annoyed with me after our
little get together. Either that or there are some sly gods that watch over
78. In either case, it was a slow death that had come over my tire. Felling
my car starting to pull a bit I entered a gas station to examine the tires.
Even with all my training and experience, there was nothing I could do to
save her. She was pronounced dead at 7:50PM on the 26th day of this the
month of July. Tire Four.

-chris 'Flats' c|\sciano


AIM: CCasciano

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