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Re: [at-l] Long Term Iodine Use

DaRedhead@aol.com wrote:

> ....So, there you have it.  If there are any doctors on the list,
> maybe you can
> enlighten us.  How serious is an enlarged thyroid??  Enough to make
> carrying a
> purifier/filter worth the weight?  And for you thru hikers on the
> list, did
> any of you carry just iodine, and if so, were there any side effects
> you
> experienced first hand?

I'm back from a tidewater weekend.

No hiking, gosh darnit.

Meanwhile, back to DaRed's query. Iodine is a situation that you need ot
follow with a real world doc, based on your own past history of thyroid
conditions. In general, I suspect that using Iodine is very safe and
effective. The neutralizer only neutralizes the Iodine taste.

I think that depending on iodine is a poor idea. This requires that you
wait 30-90 minutes before drinking the water during treatment. This is
likely to result in dehydration for those who are compliant and
consistent with Iodine use, and diarrhea and dehydration for those
thristy souls who must drink untreated water on a hot day like today.

I suspect a light filtration system and backup supply of iodine is the
way to go. The filter should be a group shared equipment, much like
tents and cookware.

Atlanta, GA

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