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Re: Re: [at-l] Speaking of pillows...what about....

>transitive property employed in the formula above.

I have to admit I really goofed, I've already sent apology posts, I hit the
wrong button, I thought I was sending something in private but hit public by
mistake... good point tho alot of this stuff can be relative to any
converstations that have taken place... because it was public I earned your
criticism... :)

>tail off while climbing a steep ridge could be orgasmic. Reading the 'Tao
Te Ching',
>or 'Desolation Angels', or 'The Endurance: Shackleton's Amazing Voyage'

good books... I am reading the cindy ross book, journey on the crest, trying
to follow her trip with the calendar, day by day, while reading the pct-l &
the current crop of pct thruhikers as they head north... it's my version of
virtual reading, it's kinda fun to follow along & find stuff on the map... I
recommend it to a fellow reader...

>carrying some "creature comforts", you are definitely not going to make it
on a

you are correct, sometimes we speak in generalities sort of like
shorthand, ga-me is sort of a common goal that alot of people have or refer
to, tho it's not the only one... I didn't mean to imply that it couldn't be
done... as for the quick formula, I was just doing a quick recycle, my
interpretation of the warren doyle thing... or at least trying to :)... it
may have been done too quick...
I know my own mistakes & the pressures on people planning thru-hikes to have
this & buy that... as a general rule, I admit I do try to encourage people
to carry a little less,
especially at first, to try to give them a better chance or time to figure
out what their journeys will become... don't forget now, I didn't say what
to take, just to take of less of it :)

but you're right, you caught me with my knickers down :)
safe travel / will / the green ghost.

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