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Re: [at-l] hello

In a message dated 98-05-26 18:36:33 EDT, CHoover241 writes:

 I am not accusing anyone of anything.  I just think that children have a
higher priority than hiking.  I wish I could share with you all the private e-
mail I am getting in agreement.
            choovers >>

As you (we) get older, and wiser, we learn that fussing and fighting is a
useless waste of time.  I have disappointed myself by responding to this whole
subject.  Opinions are indeed like a_ _holes and are not going to be changed
by any words of widom or (especially) by words of anger.  

My apoligies once again to everyone on the list...including you Choovers.
This is America and I respect your right to voice your beliefs and wish you
well.  I am sure you will make a great Mom.  My daughter is a wonderful Mom
also.  Much better in my humble opinion than I was.  She says I am the
greatest Mom in the world but we will chalk that up to prejudice on her part.

I am on this list to learn about hiking.  Having read 'Lord of the Rings'
three times, I could still not articulate what it was about that book that
thrilled me so much.  When I stepped foot on the trail (was it only last
week?)  with the knowledge that I have the means and ability to do this, I
finally understood.  "The road goes ever on and on." 

"Home is behind, the world ahead,
and there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight
Then world behind and home ahead,
We'll wander back to home and bed,

Let us all tread the path we need to tread and let others do the same.

GA > ME 00
* From the Appalachian Trail Mailing List | For info http://www.hack.net/lists *
