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Re: [at-l] Hiking without a pocketbook??

I carry the following in a ziploc bag:

drivers's license
health insurance card
credit card
ATM card
car key (if needed)
a twenty dollar bill
emergency contact information
a quarter

I have my calling card number memorized, but some of the really old phones
seem to require a quarter in order to make 800 calls.

I carry toilet paper in my pack, and my little "classic" style swiss army
knife has a pair of scissors that do OK for trimming nails, not that I get
to stay out long enough to have to worry about that.  I use a tied off end
of my bandanna for blowing my nose.  Sometimes I carry a half a comb, but I
never use it unless I'm headed somewhere uncivilized, like a town.  My
tooth brush, floss, etc. usually sit in another ziploc bag, though recently
I've taken a leaf from Charlie Thorpe and started carrying my toothbrush in
my shirt pocket for easy access.

Being a guy, I tend not to carry sanitary napkins and the like.  But I've
packed them for others, and the thick ones sure are bulky.

-- Jim

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