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[at-l] "The Long Walk," by Slavomir Rawicz

Steven Dopp et al - glad to hear my reading suggestion inspired.  I agree,
it would convert extremely well as a film.  All the elements of a great
fictional adventure are there - capture, torture, escape, chase, deprivation,
the vast indifference of a hostile universe - everything but the fiction.
In the end, the best stories are always the most obscure, and it's somehow
confiding to know that, as in thru-hiking, this tale of tears and triumph
belongs foremost to its author.
My copy is a reprint from 1984, Lyons and Burford publ., with a forward by
Ronald Dowling, the book's transcriptionist.  So I guess Steven's copy is
more recent.  I wonder if the newer forward isn't too long to post?
- Blister>Free, GA-ME '96, GA-? '98 (May 4)
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