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Re: [at-l] LNT

Thank you Gary.  (My email doesn't give me nice copies of the things
I am replying to, so this is about your post on LNT and fires in
firerings).  I agree completely with you.  With all these posts on LNT
and various opinions, I was beginning to think I'd just best stay home
and off the trails completely!  I think we should all do whatever we
can do, to LIMIT our impact since there is really no way to leave NO
trace.  Some will do more than I, others will do far less and others will
even deliberately leave their party remnants at the shelter.  But I hike
with a clear conscience, even if I decide to roast marshmallows in a
well-used firepit (which BTW I have never done... didn't want to carry in
the marshmallows and usually too tired at the end of the day to build a fire

Thanks again
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