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[at-l] RE: Rocky Top Trail Crew

I returned late Sunday night from my ten days working with the Rocky Top
trail crew. This was one of my very best experiences on the AT.  This
year's project is a relocation of the Trail from Ekaneetlee Gap north to
Molly's Ridge shelter. Actually the relocation will reconnect with the AT
about a half mile south of the shelter. The AT is very badly eroded in
this areas. The relocated section will be a bit longer but not as steep
so this will help solve the washout problem. I learned quite a bit about
trail building, this was my first time to do this kind of work. With any
luck it wont be my last.

The Rocky Top crew is a little different from some other AT trail crews
in that the base camp is near the work sight. We hiked about 9 miles from
Cades Cove to get to the gap. There is a tent city there to accommodate
the crew. Can you imagine, we were forced to camp out for 8 night! We
were blessed with 10 days of beautiful weather. Some days got a little
warm for digging but never really what I'd call hot. The nights were very
comfortable. Several nights I slept on top of my bag! Every night the
stars put on quit a show. The owls added to the magic with their hoots
and calls. One evening, just at dusky dark, an owl flew into a tree right
by the kitchen area. It sat there for a long time studying us.

Camp life was not dissimilar to the social gathering at a shelter. The
difference was the common meals and sharing kitchen duties. We took turns
cooking, washing dishes and pumping water. PUR had donated two filters. I
bet we nearly used them to death because each day we brought up 10 to 15
gallons from the spring.

I was tired from all the digging and hauling dirt away from the new trail
and hauling in logs to build the steps and cribs, but what a wonderful
way to be tired. I am ready to give up my office job if anyone wants it.
I like trail relocating much better. The hike out took about 4 hours to
retrace the 9 miles back down to Cades Cove. We amused ourselves
wondering what the Sunday picnicker would think when they saw our motley
crew. I stopped at a rest room in the picnic area in Cade's Cove. There
was a man there who kept staring in some disbelief. You can understand
that even if you have 10 days of trail all over yourself, it is still a
little unsettling to have a guy eyeing you in the men's room. When I
glanced his way, he seemed embarrassed. I guess to recover his dignity he
had to ask....."Hiked a long way, did you?" I told him I had rather than
bother with the details. "Well," he said, "I guess you enjoy that sort of

I did enjoy my time with the trail crew. I use to think that I had an
appreciation for trail builders and keepers. Now that I've had my first
taste of what is involved, I can really appreciate their contribution. If
the chance to join a crew comes your way, jump on it! Hopeful 
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