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Re: [at-l] Knee pain/brace ??

> On recent trips to the Grayson Highlands and Joyce Kilmer I have had 
> some knee troubles.  After downhilling for a while the outside of my 
> knee starts to hurt quite a bit.  I was wondering if anyone knows of 
> anything I could do to help this.  Are there any knee braces that 
> help either in prevention or recovery?  Does anyone know of ay 
> exercises that I can do to help strengthen or stretch the outside of 
> my knee. 

I've found that using 2 hiking sticks/trekking poles helps my knees quite a
bit.  They help a lot on the uphills as well.  As far as excercise to build
up the knees, I've been taking a cycling course at my gym and it helped a
lot for my first trip a few weeks back.  Since the cycle is one fluid motion
instead of the impact of jogging, it didn't shock my knees as much and they
had a chance to build up muscle quicker.  I've also heard squat lifts with
dead weight will help build the right muscles up.  And one last thing is you
want to build both your hamstrings and your quads up together.  Most knee
problems come from one side (front, back, left, right) being stronger than
the other.

S. Schuyler Stultz              Recognition Research Inc.
schuyler@rrinc.com              1872 Pratt Drive Suite 1200
(540) 231-6500                  Blacksburg, VA 24060
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