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Re: [at-l] Spring is Sprung

>     I hope you are happy with our todays weather... Rochester already has
> 5 inches fresh snow, Radar shows about double that north of here and more 
> on the way... Presently a "full-blown" blizzard outside..
>     Dick & Lyn  Wix     (Where's Spring; Rochester, MN)
>                  aka  "WIXeR"  AT-94  GA->ME

 Would you please refrain from sending your weather to Vermont this
time.  All winter long you given a weather report and two days later its
terrible here.  I was hoping for an early spring this year. B-)))))
Beau Bushor N1MJD
  "bleeder guy"
Burlington, Vermont<<<

As a former resident of both of those not-so-warm-and-springlike places
(Rochester and the Burlington area--Charlotte/S. Burlington) and more than
likely a future resident of Burlington post-hike, I can empathize with the
plight of you both.  It brings back memories.  Here in Boulder, however, it's
been highs in the seventies for a few days now...    Hey Wait!!  Now it's
snowing outside!!  And Brrrr... what's that chilly feeling?!  Man, I never
should have started gloating like that!   <<GRIN>>

May Spring arive to all in due course.  And if you may be so lucky to chase
it down in, say, Georgia, bon voyage, bon chance and bring the bon-bons.  Oh
yeah, and I'll see ya there!!

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