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[at-l] TJ Bitching

In a message dated 10/5/2005 3:41:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
gadog430@charter.net writes:
YOUR opnion of what the trail should be. YOUR OPINION. and every one is 
entitled to one different from yours. 

Do you think that everyone would be so eager to expose you if one of two 
things were true:
1. You had ANY TOILERANCE at all for a view other than yours. 
2. You didn't seem like a fraud. 

         Ah, "Dawg". I invite you to discuss MacKaye or the need for the 
community to recognize and adapt the conservation/MacKaye side of the AT any time.

       Is it valid to say the general AT internet community is hostile to the 
formal Trail and it's philosophy? 
