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[at-l] The Gathering

In a message dated 9/23/2005 4:14:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
spiriteagle99@hotmail.com writes:
I go to the Gathering for a lot of reasons --
Ah, Hanover...
Dodging Moose on Rte 89,
Friday check in, with youngsters and old-timers,
The Friday night roll call, sadder now that we can't call out Earl's year,
Next year's dreamers, this year's finishers.
The skinny bearded guys you knew are clean-shaven and pot-bellied,
The fuzzy legged dreadlocked girls you knew haven't changed,
The 4 workshops you want to see are all at the same time, 
Meeting people you want to see for 10 seconds,
Hanging with people you've never heard of for 10 hours,
Car-camping in huge tents, with coolers full of food,
Slides from places I've often been, and from places I'll never go,
Tending camp fires, pitching in, lending a hand, cleaning up,
Gear gropin', 'stuff' buyin', tarp tryin', meetin' and greetin'
Returning the funny looks from the college kids,
Joe Dirt Coffee, diner breakfasts, bad pizza,
Washing down healthy food with full-cal beer,
Votes, music, photos, apples, yoga, serio-us, hilario-us, nefario-us, ... us.
Come if you can, we'll see up the trail if you can't.