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[at-l] MARS & CELL PHONES - True or False?

What if Mars was hit by an enormous asteroid and was knocked off of its rotation around the sun and sent hurtling towards the moon. It might look as big to the naked eye one day. As it got closer and closer and closer it might even one day surpass the size of the moon (to the naked eye). I am of course completely joking... or am I? lol

Richard C Evans <optimyst@gmail.com> wrote:On 7/28/05, Jan Leitschuh quoted a rumor:

> "Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye."
And Jim Owen wrote:

"I've actually listened to a man (who was 100 yards away from us) call a
friend and tell them (loudly enough that we could hear him VERY clearly)
that he had climbed to the highest point on the Shenandoah ridge. And he
was standing there looking UP at the main ridge."

I think the guy on the ridge made the Mars statement as well and with
about as much sense. That's a tidy way to merge these two fun
threads! ;-)

If I didn't have about three more hours of work tonight (a chain to go
along with my cell phone choker,) I would do the simple math to prove
why Mars can never appear as large as the Moon to the naked eye in
equal atmospheric conditions. That is an absurd notion easily

But back to my ball and chain . . .

Happy trails,

Solar Bear
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