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[at-l] ALDHA work trip!

For anyone interested in helping out on the trail!

Spring Work Trip in New Hampshire
Attention ALDHA Trailworkers: It's that time of year when we start getting
geared up for the Annual ALDHA Spring worktrip! The Worktrip will be on
Saturday, May 6, 2005. It's your chance to give something back to the
beloved AT and trails in general. This year we will be working at a variety
of tasks on or near the AT ... something for everyone to do.
Date: Saturday May 6, 2005, meet at 9:15a.m.
Meeting place: Dartmouth skiway, Lyme NH (near AT crossing).
Directions: Go North from Hanover on Rt 10 to Lyme- Take a right onto Lyme
Dorchester Road (Grafton Turnpike) about 3 1/2 miles to the ski area
parking lot.
Bring: Lunch and any of your favorite tools of trail destruction and
construction - If you don't have any, one will be provided to you!
We'll work all day then head to Bert's house that evening for the big chow!
Bert's place is located in Enfield Center, N.H. As usual Bert Gilbert has
agreed to be the host. So, following all our hard work, we will convene at
his home for a big ol' meal. If you need a place to stay Friday night or
Saturday night - Please contact Bert - he is always willing to provide bed
and/or floor space.
Let us know if you are coming or for more info on the work trip contact:
Al Sochard: ahsochar {at} us.ibm .com
Scott Beavers: beaves {at} sover .net
Bert Gilbert: Bertat {at} VALLEY .NET
Please pass this info along to other ALDHA or trail friends
Regards, Al