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[at-l] mahoosuc notch

In a message dated 3/29/2005 3:32:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
gregbrown@mindspring.com writes:

Well,  that depends on your point of view, I suppose.  How much space 
was in  this "cave"?  Was it a squeeze?  Could you, if you would so  
choose, "crawl" through on your hands and knees?  Given my level of  
claustrophobia I would be okay with 20 feet if I had enough room either  
stoop over or crawl through on my hands and knees.  I'd still crawl,  
most likely, but that is how much room I would like to  have.

Once, while exploring a cave in Rhinebeck, NY I crawled down through some  
rocks and entered a large room and then another and was told by me guide that if 
 I crawled down a muddy hole that got smaller in diameter the further one 
crawled  until a hairpin turn leading downward would end in a large cavernous 
room I did  not see the bats but they were farther in than I was.
So I declined.  Actually as I look back on it I think I made the right  
I would rather hike above the ground with air and light and a dry footing  
underneath.  The Notch sounds OK and I would like to attempt that  soon.