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[at-l] Hikes for Other Reasons---

>> Can't anyone admit anymore that they just want to go do 
>> it because they
>> need to do it for their own satisfaction?
> I can.  I hike for my own self indulgent pleasure.

Myself, I hike to get away from the rest of the world's 
self-indulgent behavior. By comparison, and by all outward 
appearances, my hiking is not self-indulgent.

I also do not raise money with my hikes. Rather, I raze 
(lose) it. So it's actually self-sacrifice. Money burned not 
on the altar of greed, but over the evening campfire one 
humble noodle at a time.

For millions of years humankind has walked primarily for 
their own satisfaction. To our hunting/gathering 
primogenitors, it meant physical survival. In more recent 
history, it has sometimes granted financial survival. To 
some of us today the satisfaction of walking still equates 
with survival -- emotional survival in a world of 
increasingly self-indulgent behavior.

- blisterfree