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[at-l] "Founder States" get together

Shelly Hale wrote:

>FELIXXXXXXX!!!!  You're back!  Wahhooooo!!!!
>Tenacious Tanasi

Ya know...as I look at that 'FELIXXXXXXX' up there, I can't help but 
think that it would sound better if it were 'FELIIIIIIIX'. I don't know 
how for to pronounce that many 'X's in a consecutive row. I am, indeed, 
back. I haven't read that anyone else got sick at the PA Ruck...I, for 
one, ended up with a heck of a headcold, or sinus infection (which may 
not even be contagious). I did a goodly deal of travelling after the 
Ruck...and, have lots of questions for y'all as a result. I'll be askin' 
them as they come closer to the front of my mind. I do have a 
plumbing/pump question for some hikin' friends of mine. Who wants to 
answer it?