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[at-l] Interesting Journal Tool for Techies

At 10:09 PM 12/8/2004 -0500, Leslie Booher wrote:
>If you are torn between keeping a handwritten journal or a digital one, 
>you can have both... See <<http://tinyurl.com/4hjoe>http://tinyurl.com/4hjoe>.
>I couldn't find its size and weight.  Are they in there somewhere?  Hikers 
>live for these specs.  <G>  anklebear

No, I didn't see weight either but hey, it's a pen! How big and heavy can 
it be? Actually I doubt it would be practical on a thru because it's only 
good for about 3 hours of writing between charges. Former thrus would be a 
better judge than I, but I suspect that there are sections where one would 
write more than 3 hours of entries before reaching a place they could 
recharge it.

BTW - Shameless plug to those who commented favorably on my photos: I have 
made a screensaver from 52 of the photos I took this year and posted it on 
Ebay. Item #7120131671.