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[at-l] red, white and blue

The Red State/Blue State designation is a simplistic tool that IMO only 
serves to further divide us.  You might want to take a look at this map 

Steve - who's feeling pretty blue in spite of being purple

On 11/9/2004 10:53 PM, Clark Wright wrote:
> With the caveat that with what I say I probably am risking furthering a 
> stereotype that, while useful, is also sometimes divisive - - -
> Anyhow, I had to chuckle at the irony of what Ken says, which is true:  
> Most great National Parks, National Treasures and other natural wonders 
> of our great land are located in the Red States/counties, yet in many 
> respects, the majority of the people who live in those areas tend to see 
> nationally "forced" protection of these lands as unwarranted federal 
> intrusions . . . while on the other side, it is the people who live in 
> the crowded, often polluted blue states/counties who are often much more 
> willing to vote for intrusion by the federal government into those red 
> areas to "protect" them . . . the obvious irony is good for a chuckle, 
> but I think the much more important point here is the need to walk in 
> the other's shoes . . . 