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[at-l] Maine Woods

Later the same month, J. D. Irving Co., a Canadian conglomerate, purchased
911,000 acres from Bowater, the paper company that had purchased Great
Northern Paper Co. a few years earlier.

Two weeks later, Bowater sold most of the rest of the giant Great Northern
holdings to McDonald Investment Co. of Birmingham, AL.

Wow, I'm surounded on two side with Bowater
land near Chattanooga TN,. I've noticed they are staking out boudaries with
those orange colored stakes at the old fence line. I'd better get my land
surveyed or they will cut my trees for the housing project they are proably
planing on selling land to   One of my tress has that naaty orange on it.
The land was walked off by foot back in the 1930's by the old man who owned
several acres so the boundaries are not clear, exceptin one of my neighbors
along the road surveyed their land which is in line with mine on the maps
about an extra fifty feet more from the old barbed wire fence where the
orange stakes have been planted. The county has put in a water line so must
be expectin a houseing project.  This has not been in the papers or
 I just saw these orange stakes last week. It will take out the deer
and racoons, hummingbirds and owls etc that I enjoy listening  so much to
and keep me from camping in my back yard with abandon.
.   Weary can you get me a miles worth of corridor in  Tn  too?