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[at-l] Re: Modern Devices, etc, Now AMC

>"...5.   Maine's LMF has an interest in protecting hunting and snowmobile
>access for its citizens-- thats a good for those groups and I respect that the
>Sate has thier interests in mind."

The LMF generally requires that hunting be allowed on lands acquired with the
help of the state bonds. I personally think that is a good thing, mostly because
I prefer wild animals to tame animals. Humans have destroyed the critical
natural predators. Without hunting, wildlife becomes mostly tame park animals,
and often nuisance park animals. Maine probably has more bears than all the rest
of the east combined. Maine does not have a bear problem, other than in Baxter
Park, because elsewhere Maine allows bear hunting.

Snowmobiles are a popular sport in Maine and users keep many small town
businesses alive during the winter months. But I've never heard of the LMF board
requiring snowmobile use as a condition for helping with a purchase. I doubt
very much if the board's final decision on the AMC purchase will contain a
snowmobile clause. I know the machines were never mentioned in the negotiations
for our town land trust purchase.

As for the rest of Rick's points. I agree that AMC members should let the club
staff and elected leaders know what they think.

I might agree with most of his other contentions if this 37,000 acres were the
only purchase AMC expects to make. But it's not. I suspect negotiations are
underway for the purchase of at least an equal amount. The numbers I've heard
bandied around suggest that the overall goal is to acquire 100,000 acres. AMC
doesn't have limitless funds. That goal almost certainly can't be achieved
without state and federal help. LMF contributions will help trigger federal
forest legacy funds, and Land and Water Conservation funds.

Some of these lands will be totally controlled by AMC. Some will have
restrictions imposed by funders, both state and federal -- and private for that
matter. He who pays always gets to call the tune. Even our fledgling Maine
Appalachian Trail Land Trust may have a role in some of the purchases.
