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[at-l] Yankees (Getting way O.T.)

        Being exposed to this OT message I had some thoughts to add. 

       If you think about it, the federals could have made a deal with the 
south to stay united and they wouldn't press abolition. If that happened 
thousands of lives would have been saved and a deep scar in America would have been 
prevented. The cost would have been the further suffering of the slaves for a 
prolonged period. Eventually world progress in civil rights and racism would 
have ended slavery anyway. Good if you were a soldier, bad if you were African. 

         Let's not fool ourselves that the Civil War wasn't based on the 
usual reasons ($). The south had an agrarian, cotton based economy and the north a 
textile, manufacturing one. There's no doubt that time proved the two were 
best left as one whole...

          I often fantasize what kind of AT corridor we could have had if 
they got busy in the 1860's putting an AT Project together...