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[at-l] Finding employment after a thru

On Wednesday, January 14, 2004, at 04:25 PM, TrailR@aol.com wrote:
> It's my memory that makes me less qualified, remembering the 
> technology I
> used,
> not technological changes.
> I don't remember the basic things I used to do every day (Now there 
> may be
> some
> valid debate about whether this is a good or a bad thing).
> UNIX, ORACLE, C, TCP/IP, Tuxedo, CORBA, test tools, etc... on & on the 
> list
> goes.
> Things I used every day in conjunction with my testing.
> I'm sure they would all come back on the job, but you need to get the 
> job
> first.

Fwiw, I took a long break from science and computers after school.  I 
stalls, filed papers, worked for a small animal vet.. everything 
When I finally did re-enter the computer world, it was one of those 
duck to
water things.  It comes right back after you read some man pages.  :)

-amy (nasa computer geek)