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favorite beefs..... RE: [at-l] Dieting

--- GoVolsKelly@aol.com wrote:
> Alright, carbs no carbs WHATEVER! 

### Kelly-carbs,
I apologize for my insensitive reply post. CARBS!
I have fallen victim to the Wenchskeeter School CARBS! of
PsychoCARBSalogical Desensitizing CARBS! and seem to have CARBS!
developed a slight tick in the mattCARBS!er. A lawsuit is in the
works; I CARBS! will name you as Co-Plaintiff, and we can sue
them CARBS! for all the hiking equipment they're worth.
(Although, I would cauCARBS!tion you that Wench's may still have
that certain throughhiker aCARBS!roma that may play havoc with
delicate SOFLA sinuses.) CARBS!


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