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[at-l] Bacon, salt-pork... Keeping time

Okay, I've been getting fussed at by a couple of non-listers about carrying
streak-o-lean with me when I go walking (( Hello.  My name is William.  I am
a saltaholic and fataholic )).  So I got to thinking about streak-o-lean and
its kin.  Has anyone ever taken along such items? -- Bacon, streak-o-lean,
salt-pork.  And if so, how long did it keep without refrigeration?  I
usually only carry a little bit, and soon eat it.  But I am wondering if it
can be carried longer and in great amounts.  After all, our pioneer and
sea-faring foreparents carried along barrels of the stuff without
refrigeration.  But is it different now than then?  Further, it is high in
calories and quite tasty -- love those fatback biscuits.  Do you think it
would keep better if vacuum sealed?  And, last but not least, any recipes?

William, The Library Turtle
          -- I may be slow, but I get there --
                  Columbia, South Carolina