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Re[2]: [at-l] Speed Hiking

Regarding MacKaye's racetrack comments, I can't say what he meant exactly.

I do know that they resonate with me, though.  As someone who forgot the AT
for years after hiking it, one of my great joys has been in rediscovering
the Trail and the tails surrounding it at a "life-long" pace.  With all the
enthusiasm on this and other lists, I can't help but think of how I almost
missed out on developing a relationship with the outdoors, and the with
Appalachian Mountains in particular.

I think the luckiest people find pasions in life that come naturally.  I had
to work to find mine, however.  As such, I probably read far more into that
racetrack statement than it deserves.  I read it as an expression of sadness
that some would treat thier relationship with the AT as a 4-month one-night
stand, rather than a life-long love.

I recognize that MaKaye was probably thinking something quite different, but
so be it.  Who knows.  But I got to think that he wasn't commenting on
whether it would be "better" to hike the AT in 7+ months rather than 4.
Even a great seven months isn't very important in the scheme of things.

Rick B

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