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[at-l] Washing my tent (?)

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In a message dated 4/2/2003 2:11:54 PM Eastern Standard Time,
atrailhiker@adelphia.net writes:

> Dumn question here....but maybe not.....
> I bought (donated cash for) a used tent from the PA Ruck, a nice North
> Face. I've had it up outside to air out, but it still has a mildewy odor.
> Can I wash it gently in the washer with some bio soap? Hang it to dry? You
> can tell the tent has been taken care of, I can see where silicon has been
> applied in the seams, a small patch applied, etc.  I don't want the odor
> following me on my journey. Gee, it might even over-power the body odors.

I would think it you put it in a front loader they'd be no problem.  I'd also
add a small amount of powered detergent and powered bleach at the proper time
to kill the mildew.

They just set it up to dry.

Good luck!
