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[at-l] RE: The Arrival of our little hiker

She is absolutely stunning and I expect she w=
ill break many hearts along the path of her life.

Willow Savannah Robbins weighed 6 lbs, 8 oz, is a lithe 20 1/4" long and ha=
s long, slender, strong hiker legs.  The size 0 hiking boots that Skeeter b=
ought for her are still about 50% too big :-) but on her 3rd day on the pla=
net she was already using those legs to push herself up, so I imagine she'l=
l be out on the trails at a very young age.  I'm sure some of you will meet=
 her this fall at the Gathering.

GA>ME '98

Congratualtions you guys. What a heart-touching post. And what a beautiful
name you gave her.  So closely associated with the earth.  Our best to all
three of you.
Slim & Bogey