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[at-l] OT - Rough week in Lake-be-gone

Hope all works out for you and your wife.

Having postponed my long awaited/planned post-retirement thru last year
(because of a blood clot), I know where you are and second your hint (re:

May we both be on the mend and on The Trail by '04.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Bullard" <bullard@northnet.org>
To: <at-l@backcountry.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 4:12 PM
Subject: [at-l] OT - Rough week in Lake-be-gone

On Tuesday I had to take my wife to the Dr., then to the ER where she was
admitted with appendicitis.  Wednesday I went for a routine checkup only to
be told I'd had a "silent" heart attack and now I'm going through a string
of tests to see where I stand.  The wife is on the mend but my plans for
hiking one or two major sections may be fouled for this year depending on
the outcome of the tests. Hint to anyone reading this and waiting to do the
AT "later"; later you might not be able to.


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