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Real Fruitcake and not RE: [at-l] speaking of fruitcake . . .

This subject made me think of a fruitcake I use to like to eat on the trail.
If I remember the name it was BENSON'S fruitcake.  The company mainly sold
to fund-raising groups.  My Dad's fraternal insurance group sold them, and
Dad often gave me the samples -- individually wrapped slices which you could
also buy.  The cake was more like a candy of fruit and nuts with a little
cake binding.  Often they would not last 'til my next outdoor experience.
They were GOOD!

Now my question is, does anyone know of such a fruitcake like cookie or cake
that is individual sized?  I am not looking for one of those bricks you use
to prop open a door.  Or those homemade rum soaked cakes -- they don't last
around me.  I want something I can use to cheer me and to give me energy.

The company is still in existence, but they apparently are focusing more on
retail outlets and have stopped making the samples and the larger individual
sliced items.  They were expensive but worth it.  Especially as a snack or
deserved treat.

And while I want commercially produced cakes, I will also take good
fruitcake receipes that I can slice and individually wrap.

William, The Turtle.