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[at-l] walden thread...

1) Walden (as is much by hdt) is a pineapple: a lot of crusty
stuff to go through before you get to the sweet stuff. It is
*both* a hard read and a cup of literature necter.

2) I'm in, Lynn, on one condition: that
a) we have a timetable of when we *start* a particular chapter,
discussion-wise; else-wise, procrastinators like me will not do
the "assignment" till the night before, at 11pm, and not get but
half-way through, and that
b) starting a *new* chapter's discussion/threads means *ending*
the one/s just discussed (unless direct ties are explicitly
drawn); the idea, again, is to keep things moving along, by
burying over-flogged passed-on horses before they draw flies.

As much as I am *not* big on "rules", I am bigger on keeping
things simple, and a firm timetable seems *very* tidy.

(been reading Henry (all *kinds* of Henry) for (yipes!) thirty
years. My God! I'm not that old!)

Spatior! Nitor! Nitor! Tempero!
   Pro Pondera Et Meliora.

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